Flexing for the Environment: Enjoy a Flexitarian Diet

A Flexitarian Diet or Flexitarianism can also be referred to as casual vegetarianism. This involves reducing the consumption of meat and increasing the consumption of plant-based protein or plant-based food. This allows the reduction of carbon footprints but at the same time, improving the overall health of the body.

Plant-Based Choices

When going on a plant-based period, it is better to choose the healthier options instead of relying on purely seitan. For proteins, soybeans, tofu, legumes, and lentils are great options. In addition, nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, cashews, and pistachios are also a good source of healthy fats and protein. They can also be turned into milk such as almond milk, coconut milk, and soy milk.

For whole grain options, quinoa has a high amount of protein as well as buckwheat. Furthermore, vegetables such as bell peppers, brussels sprouts, green beans, cauliflower, peas, winter squash, and corn may also contribute to the protein supply of the body.

Animal-Based Choices

With regards to the meals where in animal products are incorporated in the menu, it’s better to opt for organic meat, such as poultry, and organic dairy. In terms of fish, it is better to choose the ones that are caught in the wild instead of the ones that are raised in fish cages. Finally, for eggs, it is better to choose the free-range or pasture-raised ones.

Casual vegetarianism does not necessarily mean just eating anything as long as it meets the criteria of eating more vegetables. People who would want to engage themselves in this kind of diet should also be mindful of what kind of animal product or what kind of vegetables they are putting in their body. With this, to make things easier and for convenience, there is a flexitarian meal plan in Hong Kong that is readily available to be of service with just a click of a button.

For more information, visit: NOSH